Minutes 10/12/11
Call to order
K. Houston called meeting to order at 7:03pm.
Welcome & Introductions
Treasurer’s report
S. Higa reported that our numbers are great commenting that the direct donations have totaled $1,065 so far, SpiritWear has made $723 even considering that we have subsidized spiritwear for children in need. Ice cream social ended under budget. K. Houston suggested that we can work with teachers to get spiritwear to children who do not have them.
We were asked to cover the buses for the P-K field trip to Hilltop Orchards and Kindergarten to Flying Cloud. Michaela Dohoney moved to approve financial disbursement to cover fieldtrips. Susan Higa seconded. H. Veague abstained.
Budget to date (community card proceeds, direct donation proceeds, directory ad sales)
Approval of classroom stipend disbursements
K. Houston reported that Mr. Dingman suggested that we reconsider the calculation of teacher stipends based upon number of students in each class. K. Houston reviewed the amount of money estimated per student and totals related to our budget. K. Houston reviewed totals for $7, &=$7.25 and $7.50 per student. Susan Higa moved to approve 7.50 per student, Donna B. seconded, vote was unanimous.
Mahaiwe Field Trip approval: 1st and 2nd grade, PTA is requested to pay $625 for tickets, Muddy Brook will pay for the buses. Julia Krahm moved to approve Jen Knopf seconded.
Drop off support: the PTA has been asked to support the effort to make the drop off go more easily. Can we have volunteers to help kids get out of the car without the driver having to get out. Volunteers are needed from 8:30-:845. K. Houston stated that we will put this out on the website and in the newsletter.
Encouraging volunteerism: How do we encourage people to come into the school to volunteer? How do we get parents to volunteer in the library? How do we restructure how we solicit volunteers.
President’s report
Committee Reports
Local Berkshire business fundraiser
Directory Update
K. Houston commented that directory is running a bit late. Directory is available online for review. ETA is for next week. We have so far raised $650 for ads for the directory.
Volunteer database
K. Houston reported that we have 66 volunteers from the volunteer sheet.
Membership Numbers
85 individuals signed up for PTA membership.
After School Program & Spirit Wear
Cara Becker is the ASP and SW coordinator.
Rewards Report
J. Knopf reported that 1900 boxtops just this week. For the year we have raised $900 so far.
SCRIP flyer got approved today. J. Knopf reported that we will have 5 cycles between now and Christmas. Both K. Houston and J. Knopf encouraged everyone to purchase scrip.
New Business
K. Houston reported that we want to increase our profile. She suggested that one way to do this would be to have a table set up at Friday Assemblies/Dismissal with some spiritwear and Scrip for sale. J. Knopf will estimate a number for pre-scrip purchases to sell at assembly and dismissal.
Family Movie Night (Nov 4 – Cars 2?)
Movie licenses cost $100 per evening. K. Houston proposed that we have a bake sale, make popcorn and play red/light green light. Movie would start at 6:30.
Next meeting: Wednesday, November 9th
Approval of purchase of paper crowns for birthday celebrations. Cost is $135.45 for crowns plus cost of materials to decorate. Julia K. moved to support expenditure, M. Dohoney seconded motion.
Key Club Halloween party, Thursday, October 27thThere was discussion of a “trunk or treat” parent run activity in the parking lot outside during the Key Club party.
Meeting adjourned at 7:58pm by K. Houston.
Next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 9th.