Call to order
Susan Higa called the meeting to order at 7:08. In attendance were Susan Higa (President), Michaela Dohoney (Vice-President), Jennifer Knopf (Treasurer), Abby Tovell, Melissa Farrell, Kimberly Houston, and Heather Veague.
Welcome & Introductions
Treasurer’s report
J. Knopf reported that we have switched our financial data management from Quicken to PTO Manager. She presented a spreadsheet (Appendix 1) in which expenses and profit are listed. There is a new category for “Student Appreciation” which includes items purchased for students. The third page identifies the current balance at approximately $5,753.00. J. Knopf reported that this information closes in PTO manager at the end of this fiscal year, meaning it can be reviewed but not edited. Consequently, she will maintain a copy as an Excel file.
President’s report
Moving Up Ceremony
S. Higa reported that it will consist of cake only, not dinner and will take place on Friday, June 15th at 5pm. S. Higa asked whether PTA should provide a presence at the Moving Up Ceremony and K. Houston reported that historically a 4th grade parent has been there to help out.
S. Higa proposed a calendar for the Fall of 2012 (See Appendix 2) and reviewed pertinent dates. K. Houston stated that the Teacher Lunch on August 28th is a good opportunity for PTA officers to come and meet the teachers and talk about the schedule for the year. K. Houston suggested that actively involved PTA members should be asked to bring salads to the event. K. Houston stated that Maggie Merelle brought ample salad to the teacher appreciation lunch in May and suggested that she might be willing to contribute to the event in August.
S. Higa stated that there will be a draft budget proposed at the September PTA meeting and will be voted on then. M. Farrell asked about dates for spring 2013 that had been agreed upon in the past and asked that S. Higa get the dates to her by the first week after the end of school. Abby Tovell stated that there would be a Google calendar as well. Spring dates for events were noted. The Read a Thon will occur between 3/1-8. Reader recognition will take place on 3/15. S. Higa stated that the Spring Dance will occur on April 5th, Teacher Appreciation week will begin on 5/7, Mud Day will be on Saturday, May 18th.
Committee Reports
Mud Day
Mud Day was a huge success and yielded a profit of approximately $3,000. A follow up meeting will take place soon to discuss successes and room for improvement.
J. Knopf reported that Big Y is starting a points system. M. Farrell reported that several items have arrived from Price Chopper funds but has not noted the arrival of an iPad. S. Higa stated that we will encourage people via the summer mailing people to use ScripNow. S. Higa stated that we are looking for someone to take over the Scrip program for the next year. K. Houston stated that the coupon book might help make up for the amount of money that Scrip has made. K. Houston suggested that perhaps Scrip could be used solely around holidays, like a Thanksgiving or Holiday fundraiser. K. Houston stated that we are bringing 20K through our account for the profit of $1,500 which has consequences for filing our taxes. S. Higa pointed out that this is an ongoing discussion. J. Knopf suggested that we close the Scrip program as it is very time intensive and we are unlikely to find a volunteer willing to put in the necessary time.
New Business
Coupon book
S. Higa proposed the Fall sale of a coupon book. Said coupon books will include coupons for national and local retailers. The cost of the book to the PTA is $10, retail price is $20. If a family sells 5 books, they get 1 book free. There would be a 2 week window to sell the books. M. Farrell stated that the PTA could buy the books upfront and sell them at all-school events. M. Dohoney suggested that it is worth trying the fundraiser and suggested that perhaps we can reach a wider swath of people. J. Knopf reminded that we will be needing to make up funds from ceasing the Scrip program and Local Goods fundraisers.
Grant Request
The fourth grade teachers are asking for disbursement of $200 in the fall for a mask project. M. Farrell indicated that the school could provide the paint and that there may be other ways for the fourth grade to get their needs met without disbursement from the PTA. K. Houston suggested that we take grant requests through the administration first.
Kimberly Houston PTA Service Award
S. Higa requested approval of $122.45, the cost of the award which includes the perpetual plaque. Each year will we will only have to purchase the individual plaque. M. Dohoney moved and M. Farrell approved disbursement. Vote was unanimous.
Incidental Topics
A. Tovell asked for feedback about the newsletter. S. Higa suggested that we add information about the PTA survey to the school newsletter.
M. Farrell stated that we will be coordinating fundraising with Monument Valley Middle School.
Farrell stated that there will be a coffee and donuts thank you for volunteers on the morning of June 18th.
S. Higa adjourned meeting at 8:00pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Heather Veague