February 16, 2011
In Attendance: Sign-Up Sheet attached as Exhibit A.
Kimberly Houston called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
1. Adoption of Minutes from the Prior Meeting – K. Houston called for the approval of the minutes from the December 8, 2010 meeting (the January meeting was cancelled due to snow).
Motion: Michaela Dohoney made a motion to approve the minutes from the December 8, 2010 meeting. Susan Higa seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved.
2. Treasurer’s Report – S. Higa presented the PTA’s current financial position. The PTA currently has $3651 in its operating account and S. Higa noted that the PTA is committed to fund the second grade Audubon program for $2100 and the fourth grade BTF Plays program for $2500 (of which $1000 has been funded through a grant from the Girls Scouts). S. Higa reported that we have at least $900 coming in from the Box Tops program. K. Houston is also hopeful that the online auction will raise enough money to pay for the programs that have been committed to for this year and still have enough left over to have a cushion to begin the 2011/12 school year.
3. Bylaws – K. Houston stated that a copy of the PTA’s current bylaws will be posted on the PTA website. Any member can comment on the bylaws at the next meeting
4. Upcoming Events – K. Houston outlined up coming events:
- A second Family Game Night will be held on February 18th
- The Read-A-Thon will be held from March 11th through March 18th. The kick-off event for the students will be held on March 11th and will be run by the Junior League. Mr. Dingman is also working on having a literacy presentation for the parents on that night.
- The online auction will be held from April 8th through April 15th and will culminate with an Arts Night on April 15th that will have a live auction component involving a cooperative piece of art made by each class. In addition, the students will be asked to create a work of art based on the “Be Kind, Be Responsible, Work Hard” motto and the pieces will be displayed in a “gallery walk” at the Arts Night. Jen Germain has agreed to run the online auction and anyone interested in volunteering to help with the auction should contact her at . Anyone interested in volunteering to help with the Arts Night should contact Kim Houston at .
- Cara Becker has organized the spring afterschool programs and sign up sheets will be going home in the next week.
- The Father/Daughter dance will be held on April 29th.
- Mud Day will be held on May 21st.
5. Fundraising – K. Houston discussed the PTA’s on going fundraisers, including Spirit Wear, Box Tops and other rewards programs and the Scrip Program. K. Houston said that we are still looking for someone to run the Scrip Program and anyone who is interested in doing so should contact her.
6. Officers for the 2011/2012 School Year – K. Houston stated that we are looking for volunteers to serve as officers for the 2011/2012 school year and anyone who is interested should contact her.
7. Presentation by Dr. Peter Dillon – Our superintendant, Dr. Peter Dillon, gave a presentation to the PTA members outlining his vision for the district, explaining various initiatives taking place within the district, and previewing the upcoming budget season. Dr. Dillon engaged in a question and answer period with the PTA members. It was a very informative session and we appreciate Dr. Dillon’s time.
K. Houston adjourned the meeting at 8:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Michaela Dohoney