Muddy Brook Elementary PTA
Meeting Agenda, September 15, 2010
Call to order
Approval of minutes
- President’s report
- What does the Muddy Brook PTA do?
- Goals for the year
- How we raise funds
- Approval of mission statement
- Treasurer’s report
- Budget Presentation
- Donation Drive Update
- Grant Request Form
- Need teachers (one per grade?), parents, others to sit on committee
- Dates for review
- Check Request Form
- Overview of events for the year (handout)
- Need for volunteers
- Fundraising Plan – committee needed, move toward more events/community-focused fundraisers
- Membership – must be a member to vote
- Solicitation of PTA member discounts? Drive business to local merchants and give added value to our membership
- Goal of at least 100 members this year
Other Business
- Student Directory Update
- Class Parent Coordinator – Selina Lamb
- After School Program instructors and volunteers
- Idea of presentation/roundtable at end of PTA meeting – anyone want to take that on? Healthy Lunches/Snacks, Media & Our Kids, Navigating Social Situations, etc
Notes from Mr. Dingman