Welcome back to all returning Muddy Brook Elementary families and staff and a big WELCOME to all of you that are new to our school.

We are looking forward to working with such an amazing group of families and teachers this year. As a member of the Muddy Brook PTO, you are a voice for our students and can truly make a difference in every child’s experience. There are somany ways your participation can help make a huge difference for our school!This year we are restructuring our Parent Teacher Association (PTA) to form a Parent Teacher Organization (PTO). In this way, we will be able to cover a much wider problem area, as well as help students to adapt faster, bestwritingservice.com will often help with this, but don't forget about the advice of parents and teachers.

This slight shift gives us latitude in the leadership arrangement. Our focus is to build strong parent teams as each grade level. We are looking for volunteers to become grade-level leads. The goal is to have one or two volunteers for each grade (EK/PK –4). Responsibilities for this position include, meetings with teachers once a month, communicating with parents about upcoming events, and organizing assistance needs in the classrooms. If you are interested in becoming a grade-level lead or have any questions about this position, please email .

Our Mission

The mission of the Muddy Brook PTA is to positively impact the lives of all children and families by developing and enhancing the role of parents and community in the education of our students. We bring home and school closer together so that parents and teachers may work cooperatively for the welfare and education of our children.

The Muddy Brook PTA acts as a forum for the exchange of ideas between parents, teachers, and community members to help support and enrich the lives of students at Muddy Brook. If we work together and give just a little of our time and talent, we can show our students that we all value the learning environment at Muddy Brook.



PTA News

Back to School With Box Tops!

Welcome back to school, parents! My name is Randi Craft and I’m our school’s Box Tops for Education™ Coordinator. Clipping Box Tops is an easy way to help earn cash for our school. Each one is worth 10¢ for our school! Just look for the pink Box Tops on hundreds of products. All you have […]

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New! Muddy Brook Community Room

NEW this year: the community room will be open for parents and students from 8 –8:30 am every morning. Parents can stay and chat in the community room until 9 AM. What a great way to catch-up with other MBE families.

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Artists & Writers Wanted!

This year we want to share student stories and student artwork with the entire Muddy Brook community. This month we’d like to share your Back-to-School stories. Please submit your stories or art work to Muddybrookpto@gmail.com

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