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The American Food Revolution needs to start now! If you care about your country and the health of its children please help us make a difference. We need your support to get people back in touch with food and keep cooking skills alive before it's too late. We want to make sure every kid gets good, fresh food at school. It's proven that real food promotes more effective learning. If you want better health for your kids the junk food must go. I need to be able to show The President and industry how many of you out there really care about this issue so please don't wait, sign up today. It will only take 30 seconds. America's health needs you!

notes from November 6th meeting‏

GreenPEAS meeting: Friday, November 6, 2009 @ 9AM

Attendees: Chris Shelton, Julia Erickson, Susan Higa, Jenn Mack, Suzie Fowle, Angela Vuaginaux, Corey Sprague

We consider many issues related to health in one way or another: food and cleaning. Of course, each change and innovation goes through several stages of approval, because it is necessary to make sure that, for example, the food will be balanced and tasty, and the landscaping of the territory will have an information base, which top writing service helps in compiling.

NEXT MEETING: Thursday, December 10 @ 2:15pm at Muddy Brook School, conference room B

Community outreach & sharing of best practices

Assigned contacts:


Contact Name

GreenPEAS liason

MB Principal Garth Story Corey Sprague
Healthy Eating Committee Beryl Jolly, Susan Bronson Suzie Fowle
MB Phys Ed Kristen Flynn, Jessica Wilcox Corey Sprague
K Kids Cathy Finkle Susan Higa
MB food services Kathy Sullivan Chris Shelton, Kristen Ryel
Project Sprout/Native Mike Powell Jenn Mack, Angela Vuagniaux
Green Barrington Deb Phillips Suzie Fowle
Berkshire Grown/Slow Food Barbara Zeutland (Slow Food: Don Palumbo) Julia Erickson
CET Cynthia Grippaldi Suzie Fowle
CoOp/Guidos Guidos: Rick ?? Susan Higa
Green Berkshires, Inc. Eleanor Tillinghast

Main Areas of Focus for ‘09

1.    Revisit school wellness policy as it relates to cafeteria and recess.  Subsequently address food choices, cafeteria products, recycling & composting, etc.

2.    Cleaning the school – greening up the cleaning supplies.

Next Steps:

Chris Shelton to talk with Steve Soule to get idling sign reposted in front of school

Suzie Fowle to talk with GB town manager re:idling.  If interest from town and school admin, maybe this can go into the classrooms as part of the curriculum?

All GreenPEAS liaisons to reach out to their various contacts.  Let them know of our existence (Angela will draft a suggested one pager) and find out how we might be able to leverage the work already being done.  Let the information sharing begin!

Links of various green organizations, green sites to be sent to Chris Shelton/Gretchen Ball for posting in GreenPEAS section of PTA website.

Corey to set up a meeting with Garth Story re: the school’s wellness policy and what can be done to update/restart wellness initiatives.

Upcoming Green Events of Note:

Holiday Farmers Market – November 21 from 9-1 at the Great Barrington Old Fire Station on Castle Street.

Slow Food Movie Night – December 4, 5, 6 at the Stagecoach Tavern in Sheffield -54 South Undermountain Rd (rte. 41) – For more info check out: see event details under “Watch Fresh – Fresh Screenings”