Summer PTA Newsletter

Hello Muddy Brook Families,

The summer is wrapping up and the Muddy Brook PTA would like to welcome you to the 2008-2009 school year. We all hope you all had a great summer and a chance to rest and relax with your family and friends.

There will be an Ice Cream Social held on Thursday, September 4th from 6:00-7:00.  Everyone is invited to attend this free event. We will have a PTA membership table set up to register members and answer questions.

We will be holding our first PTA meeting on Wednesday, September 10th from 7-8pm in the Muddy Brook library.   Everyone is welcome.  Meetings will be held on the second Wednesday of each month for Officers and all are welcome to attend.  However, we expect to have 4 large meetings this year and these are the most important to attend.  The September, December, March and June meetings will be most important.  We hope this frees people up from feeling like they must attend all meetings and can now give their time to a sub-committee.   You can always submit ideas and concerns for the meeting and get the minutes after the meeting.   If you have an idea, special project or just want to get more involved in your child’s education, comoe to a meeting or just let us know!

The Muddy Brook PTA’s mission is to develop and enhance the role parents play in the education of the students at Muddy Brook Elementary School.  Through its fundraising efforts, the PTA supports enrichment based programs and various social events to bring the school community together.  When sufficient funds are raised, the PTA will also help fund school field trips.

It is our belief that by parents, teachers and administrators working together as a team move the school towards being more successful in helping to develop the best possible learning environment for our children.

One of the easiest ways families can contribute to the school is by collecting Campbell’s Soup labels, Tyson labels and General Mills Box Tops.  You will see the information on the sheets enclosed. This year we would love to get our students involved in the collection process, so please share this with your child.

We have already discussed many of our fundraising and social events for the 2008/2009 school year. We offer a wide variety of fundraising choices throughout the school year in hopes that every family will find something in which they would like to participate.  Helping to organize or support a fundraiser allows us to bring more programs and events to our school.  The fall “wrapping paper” fundraiser will kick off our efforts this year.  Catalogs will be sent home with students mid-September.

You should find two forms enclosed in this letter which we strongly encourage you to complete and send back. The first is a CORI form which is required from any parent who would like to volunteer in the school or chaperone a field trip. The second asks about your interest in volunteering during the year and for your contact information. If you would like to share your contact info in the 2008/2009 Muddy Brook Directory, you MUST check that. We cannot print your information without written consent. This form is due no later that Sept. 15th so the directory can be printed and distributed as quickly as possible. Last year many families only listed one parent’s name, so please make sure you put both parents’ names down if you want them both listed in the directory.  Feel free to attach another sheet of paper if you need more room.

Always know you can stay updated with PTA news on our bulletin board by the Front Desk of The School.  We are also working on a website or page to access for those who prefer online contacts.

We look forward to another successful school year.  Thank you in advance for your help and support.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.


Jenni Roy Hallock
Muddy Brook PTA President
[email protected]
or [email protected]

Spread the Word!

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